INFO FOR US Per garantire una buona organizzazione dell’evento, chiediamo anche il your support in filling out the form below. It will only take 5 minutes, but you will help us immensely.We thank you sincerely in advance! Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Will you participate? *Ci saròNon ci saròPlease indicate on which of the following days you will be among us!Venerdì 31 MaggioSaturday, 1st JuneSunday, 2nd JuneName *FirstLastTelephone number *Address *Please fill in this field in order to receive the paper invitation directly to your home.E-MailDo you have food intolerances or allergies? *SìNoSe sì, puoi indicarci che tipo di intolleranza/allergia hai?Do you follow a particular diet?VegetarianVeganDo you have any other dietary requirements you wish to communicate to us?Will you bring a plus-one? *SìNoNome dell'accompagnatoreFirstLastPlease indicate whether your plus-one has any intolerances/allergies or special dietary requirements.Will you use the shuttle service from the church to the venue? *SìNoIndicaci una canzone che proprio non potrà mancare durante il party!We will collect your suggestions and give them to our DJ!Would you like to leave us a message?EmailSend